
Order Office Furniture Online. NZ Wide Delivery

The home of quality office furniture

Shipping & Returns

Shipping and Returns

Please see our shipping and lead time tab located on all branded products.

Returning of goods

Due to many our products being custom made or assembled, we can only accept returned goods on faulty products as per the Consumers Guarantees Act 1993

Please take extra care when finalising and placing your order.


Please contact us for any questions regarding shipping or returns

Request custom changes to this product

If you need this item a little bit longer, shorter or taller – or a different colour or different handle design. Fill out the form below with your requests. 

Didn't find what you're looking for?

Did you know SKARA offers a

custom design service

Most of our products can be modified to suit your needs, whether you need something a little bit longer, shorter or taller – or a different colour or different handle design.  Or even if you are looking for something completely bespoke created for your space!


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